I've had a few major changes like moving back to my old school from being at a new sixth form for a couple weeks. Although moving back meant I couldn't carry on with film studies which was one of my favourite subjects, it's worth it. I now only do three subjects: History, English Literature and Art which I'm perfectly fine with and enjoying a lot (apart from the doing your own work thing)
I wish I could post something I've made or done recently like a new video or some art but I've been so unmotivated and uninspired I have zero to show. Not really sure if there is even point in this post?
I realised in my last post I was talking about Gwen Stefani and how I really wanted to dress up as her for a fancy dress party.. well I did (all the way back in October) and it was oh so very exciting! This is the only photo I have and it isn't my full outfit either! (next to Paris Hilton yhhhh)

The only couple things I've really done is a few exhibitions : Sarah Lucas' and Isabella Blow: Fashion Galore! As well as a little trip to Paris during the Christmas holidays.
Trip to Paris, one of favourite cities. I have family and friends living in Paris and as my older sister was off skiing, my dad had just been away, I proposed the idea that me, my little sister and my mum went to Paris for a few days after Christmas. So off we went to stay in a perfect parisian apartment. Walking around the familiar streets, I once again fell in love with everything. My mums friend owns one of the top 3 bajjs in Paris so we got to dine on the boat for free eating classic french food and drinking classic french wine. We got plenty of shopping done too, as well as some typical tourist site seeing and then escaping the cold, rushing into cafes for a coffee or hot chocolate alongside a crepe.

I decided to use Lucas in my art and develop some of my own ideas from her. I especially loved the art work she did on the toilet where she painted 'IS SUICIDE GENETIC?'
So I did my own response with my own words that I have been working on in my art 'I was 12' and 'Don't flatter yourself' (They are very personal topic to many people I know so not going to go beyond the meaning of them.. so unless you are my art teacher or my examiner then sorry not sorry)
I wasn't too pleased with this as because the toilet had just been cleaned (not me) and I had flushed it numerous times, it was still wet which meant the paint kept dripping down but it wasn't a total disaster. Enough with the art now.
I also went to another exhibition last week at the Somerset house: Isabella Blow: Fashion Galore! Although I've kind of steered away from fashion at the moment (I do need to change my blog title urgently) My mum who had already been said even if I'm not completely into fashion, the clothes that are on show are incredible, and she was right. Her designs are so beautifully and delicately made, sometimes so sculpture like.

While I'm writing this I may as well add that my older sister has gone to South America for 5 and a half months so I'm left being the big sister. And I've booked tickets to the Sgp festival (secret garden party), booked flights and an apartment to Budapest and soon will be booking tickets to Sziget festival -- looks like a fab summer already! Now just gotta get through exams and I'll be freeeee
Apart from all of this, I've mostly just been doing the usual teenage thang and hopefully will continue doing that for the rest of my life
M x