Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Le  Paris
So this half term I decided to make the most out of it because it's the last holiday I have before it'll be straight work/exams/work/exams etc... 

I've been wanting to go to Paris for ages with a couple friends and it fit so perfectly with the timing, so me and three girlies went for four days to stay with my mums cousin in central Paris in a cute apartment! 

Everything about Paris is amazing (have to say I wasn't impressed with the fashion or the boys) but the vintage shops were so cheap and I managed to get a denim jacket for only 15 euros! (BARGAIN) 

We went to so many amazing places including the Champs-Elysees,walked through the Louvre, went to the Eiffel Tower at night to see it light up, so many vintage shops, markets, too many cafes for hot chocolate and coffees, Montmarte (absolutely beautiful) We walked past the Pompidou centre a couple times but the queue was way too long! 

Anywhooo, here are a couple photos from the trip that basically sum up everything we did!
 (street, walking down to central paris)

oh god this really sums up our crazy night we had

I'll be posting more photos of Paris when I get my disposables developed! 

M x

Tuesday, 12 February 2013

This Is England

I watched the film This is England ages and ages ago and then a couple weeks ago my friend told me to watch the the two series of This is England.

My god, that series is honestly one of the best and my most favourite series I've ever watched, and I tell you, I am the queen of tv series. I finished it in a few days and just fell in love with not only the story, the characters but the fashion! Skin heads (minus the nazi racism) are wonderfully cool and I wish I'd lived in that era because the clothes they were make me want to dress like them everyday! 

Can I be a skinhead now!?

While I'm on TV series, I've also watched Homeland, the show everyones been talking and obsessing over. Have to tell you, it's also ranked up to be one of my favourite tv series ever!

 So if you haven't watched either Homeland or This is England (film and series)then you must do it A S A P 


I've literally been meaning to post on here for months but just keep forgetting and I've also been sooo busy with work at the moment (gcse's are killing me)

Anyway, I haven't got much to update with fashion and what not seeing as I'm completely broke but I've bought a couple cute new items. I'm more excited with the books I've bought recently on fashion and photography!

So I'll just do a couple posts of what I've been up to and then hopefully I'll get back to regularly blogging! I'm just so hopeless!!

perfect shoes from my sister

Now for the spam of my face...

YES YES YES I HAVE PINK HAIR NOW although its washing out

 M x